Montag, 24. Februar 2025

Der Februar und die Kraft der Knospen

 Im Februar sieht man überall die Knospen stark hervortreten. Es ist ein Wintermonat und trotzdem der Monat der Zweige. Ich komme immer garnicht hinterher um alles wahrzunehmen. Die Zeit rast dahin. Ein paar Zweige schafften es trotzdem in mein Skizzenbuch. Es ist etwas sehr meditatives sich genauer die Zweige anzuschauen. Jede Knopsenart präsentiert sich anders. Obwohl es noch kalt ist, sind sie so startklar.

Der letzte Frost ist gestern gewichen. Es war ein sehr schöner Tag. 


Gestern war Wahl. Alle sprechen von Neuanfang. Nur die Natur ist beständig. 

Hoffen wir das Beste. 

Hoffen wir auf Frieden, Beständigkeit und Großzügigkeit mit den Werten und Tugenden für diese, unsere Welt.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Katja. This is Marti from New Mexico, USA. I live in the central part of New Mexico with strong winds and the Sandia Mountain in the distance. We have an old apple tree in front of our apartment that is just starting to bud. It is a very old tree, no one knows what kind of apple tree it is. It still produces apples and the apples are small, about two inches across and tart, with just a hint of sweetness. They are good for making applesauce and sometimes, an apple crisp. We share the apples with the birds and that brings me to the state of our country.

    We are being tested this year in our country, in ways unknown to us but if we stand together, stay strong, share our kindness, our values, and our belief in equality and democracy, we will continue, just like this old apple tree.

    1. Hello Marti,
      we also have some old apple trees on our farm. I like stories like that. They are important. I have to wait a little longer until the trees bloom. Yes, we often can't do anything about big politics. But we can hold the world together in our area with good things and gestures. Stay healthy, there's a virus going around here again, best wishes Katja

  2. Elections are so worrisome these days ... I do hope the outcome in Germany is what you are hoping for, but if not, please know you have a lot of company across the Atlantic ... may we all do our best to work for peace!

  3. It was quite close. Nevertheless, I am very shocked. Unfortunately, the right is gaining strength. That is exactly what it is, let us not forget our human values. It starts in the smallest cell of the family. Our inner peace counts too, best wishes Katja
